Saturday, February 9, 2019

One Way To Break The Boredom

A Couple Of Creepy Classics
From Issue #36 Of Creepy
With Art By Jack Sparling 
And Tom Sutton. 
Published In 1970.



  1. In Weird World I could imagine Wally Wood drawing this, a talking toad and naked girl seemed to fit his style. Not that Culti did a bad job of this, its just that Wood had the flair of turning this into something extra special. Guess they couldn't get him for the art.

    One Way To Break the Boredom- once again, a deal with ol' scratch turns out to be a bad deal in the end.

    Thanks for this post.

  2. These tales were conceived during Warren's lean years. They couldn't afford Wood at this point. I do like Sutton's art a lot.
