Sunday, September 29, 2019

Night Of The Mockers

Published In 1982 Here's
Ghostly Tales #158 With
Art By Steve Ditko, Pat
Boyette And Fred Himes.


  1. In the last tale Himes did a great job in drawing a scary ghoulish ghost, much scarier than most images of specters in comics back then. A great post, Thanks!

  2. I liked his art in this tale too but the Ditko story was my favorite.

  3. All three stories have good art, but I would agree Ditko's had the best story. The ending of the Boyette story is somewhat amoral in that not only did the protagonist not initiate the conflict but went out of his way to give the antagonist a fighting chance to survive. He's even disturbed to discover he didn't. In the Himes story there's no motive or justification given for why the ghost would mistrust the handsome, young accountant's character, which was something I kept waiting for the story to explain. Ditko's story may not tread any new ground but does keep motivation & message clear & unambiguous.

    That being said, I also quite like the ghost's depiction in the Himes story as well as the designs for a number of the background characters with character actors' looks. You know, I think Fred Himes could have done a mean DARK SHADOWS comic back in the day...
