Monday, June 8, 2020

Last Ritual, Last Rites

Art By Berni Wrightson, Bill Payne,
Jim Starlin And Jack Sparling
From Issue #207 Of 
House Of Mystery.

1 comment:

  1. That was a pretty intense issue! Lucky there were the Aragones and Starlin pieces to lighten the mood a little... I mean, holey hell, I was just flipping through the scan when that last page of 'Last Ritual Last Rites' hit me! The whole art job is pretty twisty like a combination of Jim Steranko/Jeff Jones/Alex Nino. And maybe 'This Evil Demon Loves People!' wasn't quite as intensely drawn, but it's more apocalyptic! Those two stories could have gone in Warren magazines, but then there was also that obsessively drawn one-pager that looks like it's from an underground comix... what the hell was going on at DC that month!?
