Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Afterlife Of Albert Ames

Published In 1963.
Here's Another Cool Issue
Of Unknown Worlds From ACG.
Art By Emil Gershwin, Ogden
Whitney And Pete Contanza
From Issue #26.


  1. The first and third stories definitely have their unique charm to them. The second tale is a recolored reprint without its introduction from AITU #95 originally entitled "Through the Wall!" (I like that title much better.)
    That final tale makes me feel sorry for the other Edmund Cole though--the one who was the governor. I mean, he might have been the exact same man, but he seemed to be a decent one compared to the skunk who snuck into his double's dimension. I would have loved to have seen the tale end up like its splash page, in which Edmund meets more than just another one of himself...

  2. I sort of enjoyed the second story. I figured it was a reprint since the artist (Emil Gershwin) and writer were not credited.
    Ogden Whitney was a great artist. He always did solid work for ACG.

  3. Thank you ever so much. For to be able to go back to my past years when I owned a comic book with this story is just incredible!!!
