Monday, July 3, 2017

Cinder Ella

Here's Another Funky 
Fairy Tale From Mysterious 
Adventures #22 Cinder Ella.
Published In 1954. 

Here's The Rework
From Horror Tales #24.
Art By Walter Casadei


  1. This one's hilarious--but the remake is terrible, it's missing most of the funny dialog and the art isn't nearly as appealing.
    I do love a good fractured fairy tale. Got to love the witch insisting that she's not Cinderella's fairy godmother.

  2. Walter Casadei was an Italian born artist who, like many after World War 2, emigrated to Argentina. That's about all I know about him.

  3. Very interesting fact about Walter Casadei. Bruno Premiani was also born in Italy as well and then emigrated to Argentina.
