Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Street Where Evil Dwelt

More Gold Key Gold From
Issue #9 Of The Twilight Zone
With Art By Joe Certa
And Fred Fredericks. 
Published In 1964. 


  1. This was a neat Twilight Zone comic. The Doom Days tale made me think back to the doomsday prophecy of Harold Camping, which like all doomsday prophecies turned out to be false. The reaction to the believers on the third page of the story was identical to those who believed in Camping's predictions, they sold everything and got deep into debt to get the message out, only to end up broke and ruined.

    If anyone spouts a doomsday prophecy nowadays I just say 'Go take Harold Camping' a nifty comeback to the doom and gloom crowd.

  2. I looked up Harold Camping.
