Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Phantom Revenge

Art By Bob Jenny, John
Rosenberger And Pete
Costanza On Forbidden 
Worlds #141.


  1. Fun stories. As usual, one of them--the second tale is a reprint with the introduction missing from Adventures into the Unknown # 102 originally titled "Trail of the Mummy!" The Magicman tale was the best of the bunch. I laughed pretty hard at the millionaires' initiation into their club--whacking their newest member like an elderly pinata! I also laughed at the crooks actually bumping into Magicman with their car. I also laughed at the villain's demise. That last story with the evil scientists sort of reminds me of the Rocky and Bullwinkle story line entitled "Goof Gas" which turned any genius into an imbecile.

  2. Yeah these are fun books and it's too bad I didn't see any of these issues on the newsstands when I was a because I would have bought them.
